Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Things That Have Made Me Cry This Summer

Aside from the cheesy picture above, (Sorry, it's the only picture of a redhead crying I could find on Google Images) I really have cried a lot this summer, and there is still a lot of summer left. I've found myself crying over some things that probably wouldn't matter to most people, but I cried anyway. I've wondered if it's extra hormones from nursing a baby? Or maybe my heart is just getting softer and more fragile as the years go by? For me, I think having children did it. They make you savor life a little more, as some of you can attest. Here are the things I have cried over this summer:

1. Watching the 4th of July Parade. As I held Owen on my lap, we watched floats go by decorated with flags and soldiers and signs saying "Freedom is Not Free." I held him a little tighter realizing that was true. I cried thinking about how many people in the world didn't get to watch a parade with their little sons on their laps, while celebrating their country's independence. Then I cried harder thinking about the many people who had lost their sons because of it.

2. Watching Horton Hears a Who at the Dollar Theater. Not quite as poignant as my first cry of the summer, but nonetheless significant. I cried as I watched Horton save the Whos in Whoville from having their tiny world destroyed, all because someone didn't believe they existed, or just didn't care. Horton is right: "A person's a person no matter how small." Words to live by, or at least have a little cry over while your toddler runs up and down the aisles of the movie theater.

3. Finding an old Ensign Magazine with Gordon B. Hinckley's picture on the cover. I was cleaning out my garage the other day and stumbled upon some old issues of the Ensign magazine. One in particular fell out of the pile. It was the last conference edition before President Hinckley passed away. He looked so happy, so indestructible. I cried a little thinking about all the contributions he made to the world. Then I cried just because I missed him. I think we really hold onto the prophet we have as teenagers, probably the same way our parents will always love David O. McKay.

4. Saying Goodbye to Andi Orton. Enough said. I think I'll cry right now if I type any more than that. Sure will miss her sweetness.


Cami said...

You are so sweet. I didn't cry at the parade, but when we sang the last verse of the closing hymn at church I couldn't control myself. Maybe you noticed since you can see the whole world up there. And by the way, I like the picture of the crying red head! :)

Aimee's Family Journal said...

I cried in UP. And then I laughed. And then I did the ugly cry. I loved that movie. You aren't alone in crying over small things. We all do it!