During the last year, we have been teaching Owen to say prayers. He actually loves doing it and says the prayer at dinner and whenever we ask him. One tricky part is that he'll start saying it about 1.5 seconds after we ask. So a lot of times we all have to scramble to fold our arms and sit down, because the kids is already halfway into it.
Lately, Owen has been saying some interesting things in his prayers at night. He says, "Pw-ease bless da bad guys." Huh? I have no idea where this came from or what makes him say that, but I guess it's okay. I decided not to correct him because we're trying to get him to talk more. Then a few days ago, I had a thought. I know in the scriptures it says we should pray for our enemies, so I guess it's a righteous things to do. Go Little O!! You teach mommy everyday!
Costa Rica
10 months ago
Ah yes, the prayers of a three year-old. Grant would ask Heavenly Father to bless the dinosaurs. We explained that he can't really bless them since they are extinct so now he just says how grateful he is for them.
That is so adorable! I love it. :)
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